PCA’s mission is Kingdom-minded. We seek to serve God and our students through the education we offer.

Purpose Statement
A purpose (or mission) statement determines our direction. The statement provides a framework for evaluating opportunities and determines “fit” for our core business model and strategy. It also helps to focus and define us.

Purpose Statement
Advance God’s Kingdom by providing an education that prepares hearts and minds to follow Christ.

Strategy Statement
A strategy (or vision) statement is the desired end-state; a statement that describes the clear and inspirational long-term desired change.

Strategy Statement
Provide a Christ-centered environment in which students realize their God-given potential.

Core Values
Core values define the organization’s beliefs and are qualities that are not just worthwhile but represent the highest priorities, deeply held beliefs, and driving forces for all stakeholders.

Core Values

  • Love
  • Grace
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Biblical Truth
  • Respect

Strategic Objectives
In alignment with the renewed strategic focus, the school’s leadership team established spiritual, academic, and financial objectives designed to achieve organizational success and honor God with what he has gifted to this community.

Spiritual Formation
Promote a Christ-like environment in which students grow in wisdom and relationships with God and man.

Christ-Centered Education
Enable students to reach their God-given potential through a Christ-centered education.

Financial Stability 
Expand funding resources and maintain financial stability.

To learn more about how PCA’s community desires to live out this renewed vision, download PCA’s Roadmap for Success – a comprehensive document detailing new objectives and tactical methods for achieving strategic success moving forward. For more information, contact Katie Furr, Head of School.

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